13 February 2010

self-portrait 2.0

a much more recent and better self-portrait. from my senior year AP studio art portfolio - my concentration was underwear. lots of fun.

lucky undies
spring 2008
graphite on paper

11 February 2010

blank canvases

NEW HATS! my big fat birthday-discount order from lids just came in a couple days ago. I have ideas for a couple of them; the others I'll either save for custom orders or just do as ideas come to me.

the first priority is the one I just started working on for my friend patrick - all the background colors are done; I'm gonna start the designs tomorrow, hopefully finish them up in two or maybe three more sessions.

08 February 2010

shouldn't be doing this.

should be sleeping.
just had the urge.
not gonna fight it.
it's whatever.

mediocre self-portrait from junior year
spring 2007
charcoal and white conte on newsprint

actually sleeping kbye

02 February 2010


I decided it would be a good idea to put up some older artwork of mine, just for some background. I'm also starting to get more and more interested in illustration as a possible career choice, so I thought I probably should have some of my 2D portfolio online as well, even though it's not as recent. so I'll start putting up some of those every so often. here's the first...

unnamed heffalump
early 2009-ish
permanent marker on paper
